Sarbatori fericite!

felicitare pt site_e1SOMS va ureaza Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani!

Last updated :December 26, 2012 ; 17:04.

Sesiune stiintifica SOMS & SSCR

SOMS si SSCR va invita in premiera la o sesiune stiintifica organizata in parteneriat – la granita dintre chirurgie si cercetare stiintifica. Ne vom intalni miercuri, 19 decembrie, la ora 17:00, in sala Danielopolu a bibliotecii din cadrul UMF Carol Davila (parter).

Ii vom avea alaturi pe colegii nostri, entuziasti sa ne prezinte rezultatele lor in domeniul chirurgiei: Dan Gheorghe (Fundoplicatura Floppy-Nissen – clasic vs. laparoscopic), Ana-Maria Dulea (Tumora de esofag inferior rezolvata pe cale chirurgicala combinata (abdominala si toracica) ), Ionut Liviu Vasilache (Piciorul Diabetic) si Iulian Slavu (Gastrectomia longitudinala).

Moderatorul intalnirii, care ne va vorbi si despre metode de cercetare in chirurgie, va fi domnul doctor Dragos Garofil, din cadrul clinicii de chirurgie a Spit. de Nefrologie “Carol Davila”. Daca ti-am starnit interesul, te rugam sa te inscrii aici.

Te asteptam!

Last updated :December 17, 2012 ; 16:17.

Outcomes Basic Research Skills 2012

We would like to thank all of our partners: Carol Davila University, British Council, Carol Davila University Library, Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences and Romanian Academy for their support organizing the most complete research school in Romania for more than only students.

More than 70 participants among students, residents and graduates have been part of this event. Participating hands-on in every workshop and scientific session of the program. Our main goal with this program of making the basic principles of biomedical research understandable, and to be able to apply them in real practice, has been reached.

The Romanian College of Physicians has accredited our program Basic Research Skills 2012 with 18 credits EMC.

SOMS made accessible the participation to Basic Research Skills 2012 by keeping a low fee in this edition of the event, offering housing for 16 people from outside Bucharest (we had visitors from Brasov, Iasi, Cluj, Galati, etc) and awarding 5 fee-waiver sponsorships based on CV selection. Congratulations to the 5 sponsorship winners!

Demographic Details of the participants of Basic Research Skills 2012 can be found below:

Encouraged by the very good feedback we have received from the participants, SOMS plans to continue with professionalism, the traditional national research schools. During the time of the event our website registered more than 5000 visits.

We welcome to you to browse the following material that was presented during Basic Research Skills 2012:

Va invitam sa rasfoiti materiale foarte utile prezentate in cadrul programului Basic Research Skills 2012:

We, the SOMS Team thank you for your participation!

Last updated :December 11, 2012 ; 02:05.